7 Great New Communion Songs for Mass

The Catechism of the Catholic Church (1324-1327), states that, "The Eucharist is "the source and summit" of the Christian life. It is the climax of the Mass. It is what all other moments of the Mass lead us and point us to. It is so important for us as musicians to provide music that elevates and emphasizes this time at Mass. While I know as musicians we have our go-to songs when preparing for Mass, it is important to have a large breadth of songs we know that are appropriate during this time. As stated in the USCCB’s document, Catholic Hymnody at the Service of the Church, there can be deficiencies when musicians offer their congregations a “steady diet” of only a small handful of songs. Certain doctrinal realities can be emphasized in one song, while in that same song other realities are ignored. Our music selections should contain a wide range of theology and catechesis, so expanding our repertoire is very important!

All that being said, here are seven recommendations of songs that could be played in communion that you may or may not know exist! (Note: The arrangements of these songs may or may not be conducive to the Liturgy as they are recorded and presented here. The importance is the lyrical content and overall melodic structure.)

  1. Jesus, You Are Here - Will Hickl/Rita West
    This song is perfect for Holy Communion. The beauty of this song is that it is written from the perspective of being in the moment of communion. It is a guided reflection starting from the moment of receiving communion and leading deeper into the reality of being united with Him. One of my favorite lines is actually in the beginning “Forgive me when I’m not focused, let Your Presence draw me near.” I think many of us can relate to this line.  Lastly, I love that this song is sung with male and female voices. Having distinguished parts for male and female voices is a wonderful symbol of the totality of humanity (both men and women) joining in song to worship the Lord.
    Chords on SongSelect | YouTube | Spotify | Apple Music

  2. Martyr’s Love - Eric Wilkes
    Martyr’s Love is packed with beautiful Paschal imagery. The lyrics take us to a prayerful space of meditating Christ on the Cross, yet applied to the messiness of our own lives. As we beg God for the gift of a martyr’s love, we pray for those who persecute us, we lift up our enemies, praying for a heart like Christ while we receive Him in the Eucharist.
    Chords on SongSelect | YouTube | Spotify | Apple Music

  3. Say the Word - Onward & Upward Worship
    The crux of the song “Say the Word” by Onward and Upward comes directly from Mass. As the laity, we echo the words of the centurion, “Lord, I am not worthy to have you enter under my roof but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.” Say the word is a beautiful reflection and unpacking of the lessons contained within this moment during the Liturgy of the Eucharist. The words contained in the song foster a spirit of humility, gratitude, and awe during this special time at Mass. So in other words, it’s fantastic.
    Chords on SongSelect | YouTube | Spotify | Apple Music

  4. Satisfies - Avery Collins
    If I had to summarize all the pros of this song to one word, it would be intimacy. Holy Communion is a deeply intimate moment with our God and I think “Satisfies” leads the listener into that intimate space. “Satisfies” disposes the listener to the kind of vulnerability that is so necessary for deep prayer. One of my favorite moments in the song is the bridge. The words “strip me of everything that is not of you” are simple, yet eloquent. They acknowledge our shortcomings yet don’t dwell on it in a scrupulous way. It is a prayer of confidence in God’s ability to purify our hearts and keep us from sin. On a practical side note, something that is nice is that the song is seven minutes long. If you find yourself regularly picking multiple songs for communion at your parish, you probably won’t need to if you play this one. In my personal opinion, the transitions that playing multiple songs during Communion create are awkward and detract from the overall liturgy… again just my opinion. If you also feel this way, “Satisfies” would be a great pick.
    Chords on SongSelect | YouTube | Spotify | Apple Music

  5. Come to the Feast - Maria Cassady
    This song is purposefully written around Jesus’s words “this is my body, this is my blood”. It serves as a beautiful and simple song of praise that is perfectly suitable for Communion.
    Chords on SongSelect | YouTube | Spotify | Apple Music

  6. Behold Him - NOVUM COLLECTIVE
    Written with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in mind, Behold Him serves as a perfect song to reflect on Jesus’s true presence as He makes His way to us in the form of bread and wine made His Body and Blood.
    Chords on SongSelect | YouTube | Spotify | Apple Music

  7. Godhead Here in Hiding - Kate Curran
    This song is absolutely gorgeous. The lyrics were originally written in Latin by St. Thomas Aquinas and the English translation is stunning. It is from start to finish a slam dunk for theological insight and catechetical quality - and rightly so, it was written by a Doctor of the Church. It may be a struggle to incorporate some of the instrumentation contained in this version. The delivery of the lyrics and the gentleness of this arrangement are certainly worth striving for.
    YouTube | Spotify | Apple Music

So there it is, seven songs you could use for Communion to add to your repertoire! You can find them all with the links above. Please know that we’re praying for you and your parishes, and we hope these songs draw you closer to Jesus in the Eucharist!

By: Steven Joubert and Will Hickl


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