The Liturgy Resources Podcast features engaging conversations between a priest and musicians with decades of experience leading music for Masses, youth events, conferences, retreats, and more. Stream new episodes every Friday on your preferred platform.
Episode 45 - Praise as the Foundation of All Prayer
Eric and Fr. Kyle talk about paragraph 2639 in the Catechism of the Catholic Church which talks about the prayer of praise.
Cody Carnes - Nothing Else https://open.spotify.com/track/5KXVeVXTMuCJnkK8YSC3FC?si=MYLcJuJnQ96-m2iQzMzW2w
Episode 44 - Conversation around Leading Music for the Hispanic Community
Fr. Kyle is joined by Sarah Mulholland and Alex Cuellar from Providence, Rhode Island to talk about leading music for the Hispanic community here in the US.
La Guadalupana https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4W53NfQrNQg
Episode 43-A Conversation around Liturgical Music
Fr. Kyle is joined by NOVUM RECORDS artists Avery Collins and Kate Curran to talk about their experiences and thoughts on liturgical music.
An example of Palestrina: Sicut Cervus by Giovanni Palestrina https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dU7k-hiiVjw
An example of a hymn by St. Thomas Aquinas: Adoro te Devote https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaFdpfmCRrs
Ave Verum Corpus by Amadeus Mozart https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OByoTbEZ8io
The Vigil Project Musician’s Retreat https://www.thevigilproject.com/catholic-musician-retreat
Fr. Kyle couldn’t remember the name of: Dom Prosper Gueranger https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prosper_Gu%C3%A9ranger
Verdi’s Requiem Mass https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nlq9lJRElBk An example of one of Haydn’s masses https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUzDvS845Sc
Episode 42- Breakdown of the Eucharistic Congress
Eric and Fr. Kyle are joined by Connor Flanagan to debrief their experience of the Eucharistic Congress this past summer. The joy and movement of the Holy Spirit was palpable.
Eucharistic Congress video playlist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1PQGpdP64c&list=PL9CQlldupc5-TAMz3fOlJwyBO3zWLQFVv
Check out Connor’s music http://www.connorflanaganmusic.com/
Episode 41 - Diving into the Church Documents: “On Sacred Music” by Pope St. Pius X, Parts VI-IX
Eric and Fr. Kyle close out the St. Pius X’s document “On Sacred Music” where he talks about instruments and the proper implementation of the document. In this, he highlights two things, sacred music starts with the voice and all instrumentation serves the voice and that sacred music is personal, the law can never be divorced from the lawgiver it serves and the people it is intended to form.
The document: https://adoremus.org/1903/11/tra-le-sollecitudini/
Liturgical Catechesis, Episode 3 - The Procession
Fr. Kyle talks about the two symbols of the procession, the cross and the priest.
Episode 40 - Playlist for a Funeral Procession
Fr. Kyle is joined by Ally Gary from Memento Mori: The Podcast as they talk about the time driving from the church to the cemetery during a funeral procession, and they recommend some music to play in the car that would be appropriate for the situation.
Memento Mori: The Podcast - https://open.spotify.com/show/64CJepY3ewdMLtROuwHhkk?si=b42f5311d29c40bb
Ally’s Playlist https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0ilxyDMstsG3Vy1eZjAiEe
which has “The Parting Glass” by Hozier, Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd, Only in Sleep by Eriks Esenvalds, Abide in Me by Audrey Assad, and Blackbird by the Beatles, along with many more
Fr. Kyle’s Playlist https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2bhXCrKjYbVyj4LrTmxAKG
Which has: Learning How to Die by Jon Foreman, I’ll Fly Away by the Blind Boys of Alabama and the Preservation Hall Jazz Band, View from Heaven by Yellowcard, The Garden Song by Avery Collins, Tears in Heaven by Eric Clapton, and Into the Mystery by NEEDTOBREATHE
Episode 39 - The Eucharistic Pilgrimage
Fr. Kyle and Eric talk about the Eucharisitic Revival, the current Eucharistic pilgrimage, and Eucharistic processions.
Books: https://books.wordonfire.org/thisismybody
Liturgical Catechesis, Episode 2 - The Chasuble
Fr. Kyle shares the history and symbolism of the chasuble, the garment the priest wears at mass.
A few histories and thoughts on the chasuble: https://art.catholic.org.au/2020/12/24/an-unexpected-heritage-treasure-the-chasuble/#:~:text=The%20chasuble%20grew%20out%20of,use%20was%20restricted%20to%20priests.
The Vesting prayers of the priest and deacon: https://www.sfcatholic.org/worship/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2016/10/Vesting-Prayers-for-Priests-English.pdf
Liturgical Catechesis, Episode 1 - Preparation before Mass
Fr. Kyle starts a new sub-series where one of the hosts will talk about the words or actions of a part of the mass to provide better opportunity for active participation at mass. He starts the series by talking about how we can prepare for mass with remote and immediate preparation.
Episode 38: Diving into the Church Documents: “On Sacred Music” by Pope St. Pius X, Parts V and VI: The Singers
Ashley and Fr. Kyle continue the conversation on Pope St. Pius’ document On Sacred Music as the dive into the the most controversial and misunderstood part of the document, who should be singing liturgical music. They also talk about the sacred duty of the singer and the religious and moral responsibility of the musician.
Episode 37: How to Prepare for Pentecost
After Lent it’s so easy to drop off and continue to do what we did before Easter. With this Pentecost can get lost in the shuffle of graduation parties, preparation for vacations, and Memorial Day. Ashley and Fr. Kyle sit down to talk about ways we can prepare for Pentecost over the next 9 days.
Pentecost Novena https://www.praymorenovenas.com/novena-to-the-holy-spirit
Go through Pentecost Vigil Readings and then Sunday Readings: Genesis 11:1-9, Exodus 19:3-8a,16-20b, Ezekiel 37:1-14, Joel 3:1-5, Psalm 104, Romans 8:22-27, John 7:37-39, Acts 2:1-11, John 20:19-23 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/051924-ExtendedVigil.cfm
Pray with the Pentecost Sequence https://www.marquette.edu/faith/veni-sancte-spiritus.php