Liturgy Planning

Click the Sunday title to go to the USCCB readings.
If a recording is available, click the title of the song to listen.
Click here for a list of psalm responses for Years A, B, and C.

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Entrance Proclaim Aligns perfectly with Psalm 96's repeated refrain "Proclaim his marvelous deeds to all the nations." The song's bridge emphasizes declaring God's name everywhere, matching the psalm's call to "announce his salvation, day after day." SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Offertory My Bride Connects directly with Isaiah 62:1-5's wedding imagery, particularly where it says "as a bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so shall your God rejoice in you." The song's theme of divine love mirrors this scriptural metaphor of God's relationship with His people. SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Communion Real Presence Connects with the Gospel's transformation of water into wine, which prefigures the Eucharist. The theme of Christ's real presence mirrors the manifestation of His power at Cana. SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Recessional Victor Corresponds to Isaiah 62's themes of vindication and victory, particularly where it says "until her vindication shines forth like the dawn and her victory like a burning torch." The song celebrates God's triumph and sovereignty. SongSelect ONE LICENSE

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Entrance Send Down Your Spirit Connects with the Gospel reading where Jesus proclaims "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me." The song's theme of receiving God's Spirit aligns with Jesus's Spirit-filled ministry described in Luke 4:14. SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Offertory Up Close Connects with Nehemiah 8's description of the people drawing near to hear God's word and responding in worship. The song's theme of drawing closer to God mirrors the assembly's attentive listening to Scripture. SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Communion You Are Jesus Relates to the Gospel moment where Jesus reveals His identity in the synagogue, particularly when He says "Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing." The song's focus on declaring who Jesus is mirrors this revelation. SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Recessional Glory Resonates with Psalm 19's celebration of God's law and word, particularly where it says "The law of the LORD is perfect, refreshing the soul." The song celebrates sharing testimonies of God's goodness, similar to how the psalm exalts God's word. SongSelect ONE LICENSE

Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

Entrance Purify Connects with Malachi 3's imagery of the refiner's fire and purification. The song's themes of preparation and purification echo the prophet's message. SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Offertory Come Thou Long Expected Jesus Relates to Simeon and Anna's patient waiting for the Messiah, and Malachi's prophecy "suddenly there will come to the temple the LORD whom you seek." SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Communion Jesus, You Are Here Relates to the physical presentation of Jesus in the temple and the recognition of His divine presence by Simeon and Anna. The song celebrates Christ's tangible presence among His people. SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Recessional In Your Light Connects with the Alleluia verse "A light of revelation to the Gentiles" and Simeon's prophecy about Jesus being a light for revelation. The song's themes of seeing clearly in God's light mirror this revelation. SongSelect ONE LICENSE

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Entrance Behold Him Connects directly with Isaiah 6's vision of the seraphim crying "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts!" The song's focus on God's holiness mirrors this heavenly worship scene. SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Offertory Looking Relates to the Gospel story of Simon Peter's transformation from unsuccessful fishing to following Jesus. The lyrics about searching and finding connect with Peter's discovery that what he was looking for was Jesus all along. SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Communion I Let Go Corresponds to both Isaiah's "Here I am, send me!" and the disciples' response of leaving everything to follow Jesus. The song captures the moment of complete surrender to God's call. SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Recessional Against the Current Matches Peter's experience in the Gospel when Jesus asks him to "Put out into deep water" despite his previous failed attempts. The song's theme of going against conventional wisdom to follow God's call resonates with this story. SongSelect ONE LICENSE

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Entrance Made Your Way Connects with the transformation themes in both Jeremiah (barren bush vs. fruitful tree) and Luke's beatitudes. The song describes moving from weeping to joy through God's intervention. SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Offertory Cast My Cares Relates to the Gospel's beatitudes about finding blessing in difficult circumstances. The lyrics about finding rest in God during struggles mirror Jesus's message of hope for those who are suffering. SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Communion Hope of Heaven Directly connects with Jeremiah 17:7 "Blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose hope is the LORD" and 1 Corinthians 15's message about hope beyond this life. The song emphasizes trusting God through trials. SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Recessional It’s Gonna Get Better Aligns perfectly with Luke 6's promises of future reversal - that those who weep will laugh and those who are hungry will be satisfied. The song offers encouragement to trust in God's future promises. SongSelect ONE LICENSE

7th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Entrance Heart of Mercy Connects with Psalm 103's emphasis on God's mercy and compassion, particularly where it says "Merciful and gracious is the LORD, slow to anger and abounding in kindness." SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Offertory Greater Measure Connects with the Gospel's promise that "a good measure, packed together, shaken down, and overflowing, will be poured into your lap." The song celebrates God's abundant love. SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Communion Martyr’s Love Perfectly matches the Gospel's challenging message about loving enemies. The lyrics "When mercy is leaving... bless those who curse me" directly parallel Jesus's teaching to "bless those who curse you." SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Recessional Up Close Relates to 1 Corinthians 15's message about being transformed from earthly to heavenly nature. The song's themes of drawing closer to God and being transformed by His presence echo this teaching. SongSelect ONE LICENSE

8th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Entrance Proclaim Matches Psalm 92's call to "proclaim your kindness at dawn and your faithfulness throughout the night." The song emphasizes declaring God's goodness. SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Offertory Frame Connects with Sirach's message about how speech reveals the heart, particularly in its lyrics about being "seen in full" and "known completely." The song acknowledges God's complete knowledge of our hearts. SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Communion Satisfies Reflects how the Eucharist is our source of satisfaction. SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Recessional Death to Life Powerfully connects with 1 Corinthians 15's victory over death theme, especially where Paul writes "Death is swallowed up in victory." The song celebrates transformation from death to life through Christ. SongSelect ONE LICENSE

Ash Wednesday

Entrance Vessel The lyrics "Empty me of myself" directly connect with the day's themes of humility and interior cleansing found in both Joel and the Gospel reading. SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Offertory Walls (I'm Done Hiding) Relates to Joel's call to "return to me with your whole heart" and the Gospel's emphasis on authentic interior devotion rather than external show. The song speaks of breaking down barriers between us and God. SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Communion Even In the Silence Relates to Matthew 6's teaching about praying in secret, with lyrics about finding God in quiet moments. SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Recessional Renew Me Directly connects with Psalm 51's prayer "A clean heart create for me, O God, and a steadfast spirit renew within me." The song's themes of transformation and renewal perfectly match this penitential psalm. SongSelect ONE LICENSE