Liturgy Planning

Click the Sunday title to go to the USCCB readings.
If a recording is available, click the title of the song to listen.
Click here for a list of psalm responses for Years A, B, and C.

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Entrance Send Down Your Spirit A prayer for the Holy Spirit’s presence and guidance, connecting with the psalm's theme of God’s sustaining and liberating actions: "The LORD gives sight to the blind; the LORD raises up those who were bowed down." (Psalm 146) SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Offertory Song Will Rise Speaks of God’s mercy reaching the deepest corners of the heart, echoing the first reading where God brings healing and transformation: "Then will the eyes of the blind be opened." (Isaiah 35:4-7a) SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Communion Walls (I'm Done Hiding) This song reflects a desire to break down barriers and live authentically, which resonates with the call in James to avoid partiality and embrace all people equally: "Show no partiality as you adhere to the faith." (James 2:1-5) SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Recessional Victor Celebrates Jesus as the victorious healer and redeemer, aligning with the Gospel where Jesus heals the deaf and the mute: "He makes the deaf hear and the mute speak." (Mark 7:31-37) SongSelect ONE LICENSE

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Entrance Soul of Christ Focuses on Christ's sacrificial love and the transformation that comes through His passion, which aligns with the Gospel where Jesus speaks openly about His suffering and resurrection. (Mark 8:31) SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Offertory Even In the Silence Emphasizes trust in God’s presence even in suffering, resonating with the first reading’s theme: "The Lord GOD is my help; therefore I am not disgraced." (Isaiah 50:7) SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Communion Cross of Christ This song reflects on the cross as a symbol of salvation, echoing the Gospel's call to "take up his cross, and follow me." (Mark 8:34) SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Recessional Do Not Fear, My Love Speaks of trust in God's protection and mercy, which ties into the psalm's affirmation: "I will walk before the Lord, in the land of the living." (Psalm 116:9) SongSelect ONE LICENSE

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Entrance For Me Alone A personal reflection on God's protection and providence, echoing the psalmist's trust: "The Lord upholds my life." (Psalm 54:6b) SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Offertory My Bride Expresses God's intimate care and love, reflecting Jesus' embrace of the child and the call to receive Him with the simplicity and trust of a child: "Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me." (Mark 9:37) SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Communion Martyr’s Love Resonates with the first reading’s theme of the righteous suffering at the hands of the wicked: "Let us condemn him to a shameful death." (Wisdom 2:20) SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Recessional Death Is Not the End Emphasizes the resurrection and triumph over death, connecting with Jesus' prediction of His passion: "The Son of Man is to be handed over to men... and three days after his death... rise." (Mark 9:31) SongSelect ONE LICENSE

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Entrance Invitation This song offers a call to come and rest in God’s presence, echoing Jesus' inclusivity: "Whoever is not against us is for us." (Mark 9:40) SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Offertory Welcome Emphasizes the welcoming of God's spirit, resonating with the first reading where Moses wishes that all the people of the Lord were prophets: "Would that the LORD might bestow his spirit on them all!" (Numbers 11:29) SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Communion Real Presence This song reflects on the truth and presence of Christ in our lives, aligning with the Alleluia verse: "Your word, O Lord, is truth; consecrate us in the truth." (John 17:17) SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Recessional Glory Encourages sharing God's deeds and faithfulness, which ties into the Responsorial Psalm's reflection: "The precepts of the Lord give joy to the heart." (Psalm 19:8) SongSelect ONE LICENSE

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Entrance Up Close Speaks of God's desire for closeness and intimacy, reflecting the unity of marriage and God's covenant relationship with His people. SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Offertory Cast My Cares Focuses on surrendering to God’s will and finding peace in Him, which connects with the trust and dependence expressed in Psalm 128: "Blessed are you who fear the LORD, who walk in his ways." SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Communion Grafted Speaks of being intimately joined to Christ, similar to the unity described in the marriage covenant: "The two shall become one flesh." (Mark 10:8) SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Recessional You Shine Celebrates God’s faithful presence and light, connecting with Psalm 128's theme of blessing in family and community: "May the Lord bless us all the days of our lives." (Psalm 128:5) SongSelect ONE LICENSE

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Entrance Free Reflects the Gospel’s message of detaching from worldly possessions to find freedom in Christ (Mk 10:21: "Go, sell what you have..."). SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Offertory Thorn to Throne Reflects the sacrificial journey of following Christ, and connects with the call to give up everything for the sake of the Gospel (Mk 10:28-30). SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Communion Vessel Resonates with the theme of surrendering oneself to God’s will, as Jesus invites the rich man in the Gospel to do. SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Recessional In Your Light Echoes the call in the Gospel to follow Jesus by living in the light of His wisdom and truth, rather than in material wealth. SongSelect ONE LICENSE

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Entrance Death to Life Reflects Isaiah 53:10-11, where the servant’s suffering leads to justification and life for many; this song highlights the movement from death to life in Christ. SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Offertory Heart of Mercy This song aligns with the Psalm and Gospel by focusing on trusting in God’s mercy and offering our lives in return, just as Jesus offered His life for others. SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Communion Satisfies The song's theme of realizing that only Jesus truly satisfies aligns with the Gospel message in Mark 10:35-45, where Jesus teaches that servant leadership and sacrifice, rather than worldly pursuits, lead to fulfillment. The lyrics express the longing for more and the realization that earthly things can't satisfy, which resonates with the Gospel's focus on following Christ by giving up self-centered desires​. SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Recessional Just As He Said Highlights the fulfillment of Christ's sacrifice and resurrection, connecting with the Gospel’s message of servant leadership and Jesus giving His life as a ransom. SongSelect ONE LICENSE

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Entrance Proclaim Echoes the joyful proclamation of the Lord's works seen in the Psalm (Ps 126:1-6), where God's deliverance fills the people with joy. SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Offertory Rise Ties into the healing and transformation seen in both the first reading (Jer 31:7-9) and the Gospel, where faith in Jesus brings new life. SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Communion Jesus, You Are Here Reinforces the Gospel's message that Jesus is present to heal and guide us, much like His encounter with Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46-52). SongSelect ONE LICENSE
Recessional Leaning on the Everlasting Arms Reflects the theme of trusting in God's mercy and guidance, as seen in the Psalm 126 and the first reading (Jeremiah 31:9). SongSelect ONE LICENSE