14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

R. I will praise your name for ever, my king and my God.

Written by Julianna Nett

My first memory of hearing these words was by my parish’s “series regular” cantor when I was a child (you know the one). When I was a kid, I didn’t really understand what this meant. I thought, okay yeah, we can like this guy I guess and give Him time out of the week, but I best be getting a donut and hot chocolate after Mass.

But what does it really mean to praise Him?

I didn’t first encounter Him until the Wisconsin Catholic Youth Rally that I was absolutely forced to go to. Afterwards, I was very apprehensive to tell my mom that I felt the hole in my heart become full for the very first time in my elongated 12 years of life because that would mean she was right. Alas, I swallowed my pride and when she asked “So, what did you think”, I told her that I felt something I never had before during Adoration. I also noticed people raising their hands and falling to their knees thinking “Okay people, no need to be dramatic here”.

A few years later, I went on my very first mission trip (shoutout to Alive in You Camps!). This is where I felt my very first “Jesus High”. I was able to fully understand what it meant to “praise Him’, and that week in Greensboro, NC, I felt as if I could forever. I remember crying on the mission trip bus on the way back to my corn field filled town in Wisconsin because I did not want to leave the people who had allowed me to feel comfortable to, in my own words, “dramatically raise my hands”. I remember I couldn’t wait for 2 nights later when my youth group would get together on Wednesday Nights to talk and pray because I wanted to keep praising Him.

Now, it wasn’t smooth sailing from then on out (by any means)! Arriving back from camp, I realized I didn’t necessarily enjoy the way mass was done at my home parish because it was difficult to connect with the homilies and the music. For my remaining 3 years of high school, I went to Alive in You every summer, and was the happiest I had ever been while there serving in the southern summer heat and praising the Lord day and night. And I asked “Why can’t I always feel this way”. It took me a while to understand but through workshops at camp and guidance from people around me, I realized that adoration at camp or a conference is not the only way to praise Him. But then I came to another conundrum:

Is it always easy?

HA no. It’s not. I always imagined that praising Him would be easier when I was “happy”, but I have found it’s so much more complex than that. When I am suffering, I find it easiest to praise the Lord and find consolation through Him because I know I will persevere through Him. This could possibly stem from a lifetime of being called “resilient” and a history of thriving in chaos. I think it’s medium easy to praise Him when I am incredibly happy and not a care in the world. The hardest time to praise him? You guessed it: in the waiting, when I feel stagnant. I praise Him and may feel nothing, but I have learned that’s the beauty of it. We will give praise even when it isn’t necessarily “fun”. Praising Him honestly can just consist of “Jesus, I love and trust you” which is now how I close every journal entry.

So, will I Praise Him forever and ever?

12,000% even when I don’t necessarily feel His presence. Why? Because I know I am loved beyond measure.

How can you praise the Lord today?

Julianna Nett loves iced coffee, tacos, and Jesus. She has been working in the Catholic non-profit world for the past 5 years & has most recently had the pleasure of working in the events field for a Catholic non-profit. She is proud of her Wisconsin heritage and will never miss an opportunity to cheer for the Green Bay Packers. You can catch her on Instagram!


Pray with today’s psalm.


15th Sunday in Ordinary Time


13th Sunday in Ordinary Time