16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

R. He who does justice will live in the presence of the Lord.

Written by Chenele Shaw

Once I started working in racial justice work I lost track of a lot of things. My heart was consumed with charity and the deep desire for justice but it wasn’t rooted in rest. My joy that I once had seemed out of reach. I lacked boundaries, and my entire life became consumed with calling out and fighting against injustice. It was exhausting to say the least.

What is justice?

In scripture, we are told to “do justly” and walk humbly with God (Micah 6:8).  Justice isn’t just negative, a matter of dealing out judgment, but also a positive thing, in that we render whatever is owed to God and others.

The Lord asks each of us to practice justice in our day to day lives - whether that looks like being fair to your neighbor, or practicing Christian charity with someone who seems like a hopeless cause. Justice demands charity, and charity demands justice. Alongside that, they both demand for us to give what is due to ourselves by treating ourselves as sacred persons, deserving of balance and rest that the Lord is taking care of it.

As my journey in practicing true justice continues, I ask God to direct my steps in prayer. My prayer lately has looked like this.

Please pray it with me.

Lord please give me joy in my work. Give me joy in my life. Help me to recognize my purpose beyond my work. Unite my work to your heart.

Lord, give me the gift of laughter. Laughter that surpasses my anxiety. Unite my laughter to your heart.

Lord, heal this world. Break open the hearts of those who work against justice and heal the hearts of those who work for it.

Lord give us rest. Free us from our exhaustion. Unite us to you.

Give us hope. We need it.

Lord, give us a deep desire for justice that is rooted in charity and rest.

Lord have mercy.

Please pray for me and consider how the Lord may be asking you to do justly in your own life. What does that look like? How can we love a life of justice rooted in rest? Do you believe that the Lord is working for justice in the world? 

I’ll be praying for you! 

Chenele Shaw is a former youth minister and theology teacher and a current young adult trying to live her life for Christ, frequent her therapist, and eat all the cheese! She supports the Bishop in the diocese of Orlando, and serves as the cofounder of the Before Gethsemane Initiative. She desires to be her authentic self and help others to as well. You can find her watching reality tv, going to confession, and updating her Spotify playlists. Follow her on Instagram and say hey!


Pray with today’s psalm.


17th Sunday in Ordinary Time


15th Sunday in Ordinary Time