2nd Sunday of Advent

R. Lord, make us turn to you; let us see your face and we shall be saved.

Written by Julianna Nett

I will be so honest for a second here; something rather strange happened today. This morning I started my day with Hallow’s Advent Pray 25. Sr. Orianne read a reflection and referred to C.S. Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia. It was eye opening & a cool way to view the Lord. This evening, moments ago, I opened up my journal that has prompts that I use to journal before bed each night. I kid you not, this passage talked about not only The Chronicles of Narnia, but specifically the exact same part of this story. When I tell you, my jaw dropped. This journal and prayer challenge are not correlated whatsoever. In fact, one is “Day 3” and the other is “Day 31”. Sometimes, the Lord aligns the stars. 

In both, they compare the large Lion, Aslan with Jesus. As a young girl approaches the lion, she asks if He is safe and the response essentially says that he is good. This really opened my eyes after the evening reiteration of this story. At this part in the story, the young girl sits with Aslan and she allows him to see her, the real her & vice versa. 

When was the last time you truly invited the Lord to see you? 

He wants to love you. As much as you want to see Him & witness His love, He wants that even more than you do. He wants to know you. He wants to love you. Have you been hurt by others that have thus altered your ability to let the Lord fully love you? Do you fear having to give up certain habits by letting Him in more? He is your biggest cheerleader. He does not want you to fail. I have learned that with the Lord, I never really fail, I simply change direction. He will show you kindness, mercy, love, salvation, and the way. Believe in His kindness; He has a whole lot to go around. I, a while ago, began to close each journal with “Jesus, I love and trust you”. This small step has genuinely allowed me to not only believe it but feel his kindness and direction more fully. 

Do you allow His kindness & love in?

Julianna Nett loves iced coffee, tacos, and Jesus. She has been working in the Catholic non-profit world for the past 5 years & has most recently had the pleasure of working in the events field for a Catholic non-profit. She is proud of her Wisconsin heritage and will never miss an opportunity to cheer for the Green Bay Packers. You can catch her on Instagram!


Pray with today’s psalm.


3rd Sunday of Advent


Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary