31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

R. I will praise your name for ever, my king and my God.

Written by Mo Bass

What if my praise for Him never stopped? What if we were truly able to praise His name FOREVER? When I think about it I have set times when I praise the Lord: Mass, adoration, personal prayer time. But, what if I truly strove to not just praise Him in those times but in all that I do?

I had the opportunity to serve with The Sisters of Charity in the Bronx one spring break. We went about the usual service work - cleaning and cooking. We took a break midday and prayed for a couple hours. The prayer time came to an end, but although there was a physical change of location, I could feel the praise continuing. There was no shift in the sisters as they cleaned the sheets by hand in the basement. Every moment of rinsing, scrubbing, and hanging sheets to dry was a moment of praise. Mother Teresa says, “Pray the work.” I can't help but hear those words as I sweep the floors after a night of youth group. It’s not the most glamorous thing of my day, but in it is an opportunity to praise His Name forever.

If I can slowly tune my heart to praising Him in all the small things, I hope that my life will be a sign of my praise to Him. May my life and work echo along with the psalmist as he states his desire to praise the Lord's name forever!

Start with one task this week, and try to turn that work into a prayer of praise! My prayer is that in those moments we can all praise our King and God for ever!

Mo Bass has worked as a youth minister in Texas for over 7 years. She loves coffee, doing improv in her free time and making catholic jewelry. You can find her shop on Etsy.


Pray with today’s psalm.


Solemnity of All Saints


30th Sunday in Ordinary Time