33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

R. The Lord comes to rule the earth with justice.

Written by Taylor Schroll

Psalm 98 is a song of hope! It looks forward to the time when Jesus will return in all of his glory to rule with His perfect justice. For us Christians, we look forward to the glorious day when all will be right in the world.

But that day is not here yet, so what does this Psalm tell us about right now? First, it reminds us that one day, whether at the coming of Christ or when we go to Heaven, all of our current stresses, fears and doubts will be washed away. Christian hope is not just waiting for future joy in Heaven, but experiencing a taste of that joy today through prayer, the sacraments, etc.

This song about justice also serves as a reminder to us that because we will meet God one day, we need to make sure we are on the right side of His justice: casting out sin, battling temptation, loving our neighbor, and being vigilant in turning to the Lord in prayer. God’s justice is always tied up with His mercy, which is why Psalm 98 is filled with rejoicing, the playing of instruments joyfully to the Lord with even the Earth itself joining in the song. But looking towards this joyful moment also serves as a friendly reminder to make sure that our hearts are ready to meet the Lord and share in this rejoicing eternally.

When you think about meeting God face to face when you die, what thoughts and feelings arise in your heart and mind? I invite you to take that to prayer.

Taylor Schroll is the President of the evangelization and media ministry, Forte Catholic. He is a highly regarded speaker, worship leader, podcaster and producer. He has traveled the country the share the joy of the gospel through his speaking and worship leading for retreats, diocesan conferences and more. He hosts one of the top Catholic podcasts in the world and has helped over 20 other creators launch their podcasts to share the good news online. He lives in Bryan, TX with his lovely wife Sam and their three children. Find out more at www.fortecatholic.com.


Pray with today’s psalm.


The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe


32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time