3rd Sunday of Lent

R. Lord, you have the words of everlasting life.

Written by Steven Joubert

In our journey of faith, we often seek comfort and reassurance from God's voice, especially in times of weariness and uncertainty. However, the reality is that hearing God's voice can be uncomfortable. It challenges our preconceived notions, convicts us of our shortcomings, and beckons us to step out of our comfort zones. As I read the words of today’s Psalm, I’m reminded of my favorite quote from Pope Benedict XVI: "The world offers you comfort, but you were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness." Indeed, the voice of God disrupts our complacency and calls us to embrace the discomfort of growth and greatness.

God's voice is multifaceted—it brings comfort to the weary soul and challenges the complacent heart. Psalm 95 paints a vivid picture of this duality. We are called to worship and bow down before the Lord, acknowledging His sovereignty and seeking solace in His presence. Yet, intertwined with this comfort is the admonition not to harden our hearts when we hear His voice. It is a gentle yet firm reminder that growth requires vulnerability, openness, and a willingness to be transformed—even when it's uncomfortable.

As Catholics navigating the complexities of life, we are often confronted with discomfort in various forms. Whether it's discerning our vocation, confronting moral dilemmas, or facing personal struggles, the voice of God challenges us to rise above our limitations and embrace the path of greatness. Growth, by its very nature, is uncomfortable. It requires us to confront our fears, confront our weaknesses, and confront the status quo. Yet, it is through this discomfort that we are refined, strengthened, and ultimately, transformed into saints. 

This week as we reflect on the Psalm, we can ask ourselves this: What areas of our lives are God's voice challenging us to step out of our comfort zones and pursue greatness?

Steven Joubert is a husband and father. He is a singer-songwriter and NOVUM RECORDS artist. You can find his music on Spotify, Apple Music, and/or wherever you stream your music. To keep up with Steven, follow him on Instagram.


Pray with today’s psalm.


4th Sunday of Lent


2nd Sunday of Lent