4th Sunday of Advent

R. Let the Lord enter; he is king of glory.

Written by Ashley Dean Coppola

Picture yourself at a brown wooden door, no windows or peep hole to look outside, just the surrounding blank wall on either side. On the other side of the door outside, there is a gentle knocking. If you quiet yourself further and begin to listen, you hear a man calling your name. His voice sounds gentle, calming, and familiar. Will you answer the door? Or will you ask who it is, and talk to him on the other side?

Perhaps you choose to be more cautious. You reply to his knocking with a hello. You ask who he is. He says, “Do not be afraid. I’m so glad you are here.” He doesn’t give you his name, but you feel you know it. You feel you must know him. Do you open the door now? You still can’t see who is on the other side.

You hesitate, but eventually you go for the doorknob. You take a deep breath and turn the knob. As you open the door, you see the Lord’s face. You see his eyes widen with joy, so much joy in fact so that you can almost feel the light of that joy shine on you. He pulls you in for the most comforting hug you have ever felt, and he accompanies you inside as you close the door back. He then walks to the kitchen nearby, grabs a glass from the second cabinet from the left, and offers you a drink. You say please, he fills it from a pitcher you’ve never seen before, and places it at the counter near you. It’s only then do you realize, this house belongs to him.

In the psalm this week, we are reminded that the earth and all its fullness belongs to God. It was created by him, and bestowed upon us. Everything we have is his.

The Lord comes to us, knocking at the door to our hearts, waiting patiently for us to answer. He comes to us, ever gently, waiting for us to let him in. Today, will you answer and let him bless you with his presence and joy? Or will you leave him waiting outside?

Ashley Dean Coppola is a worship leader based in San Antonio, TX. You can find out more about her and her music on her website, follow her on Instagram, and check out her latest single on Spotify!


Pray with today’s psalm.


Christmas Day


3rd Sunday of Advent