4th Sunday of Easter

R. The stone rejected by the builders has become the cornerstone.

Written by Julianna Nett

Have you ever felt rejected? Whether it be by friends, a family member, an idea you had, a significant other, etc. Jesus felt rejected too by Jewish leaders who made it abundantly clear that they were not into His mission. They mocked Him and attempted to make a fool of Him. He then went on to become the cornerstone of our faith. As we re-read the scourging, passion, and resurrection, it is very clear to us that “man” made several mistakes. One of those mistakes being Pilate handing Jesus over. Even back then, you can feel the peer pressure that Pilate was under, and he gave into it. I, too have found myself to be a victim of peer pressure and taking advice from people that looking back maybe I should not have. 

Further down in the Psalm, it states “It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust man”. This makes me think of a Taylor Swift lyric that goes, “Never take advice from someone who's falling apart”. The thing is people are always falling apart. The Bible is full of brokenness, and our lives mirror that. Thus, trust in the Lord, for He knows what is best. I’m definitely not telling you to never trust anyone, but trust in Him above anything else and use your emotional intelligence when taking advice from others. 

I’ve had my fair share of broken hearts, struggles, and things in my life not going as I would necessarily like them to. There were times where I only trusted in my ways and didn’t really rely on Him because I didn’t know why or how to. It wasn’t until I was stripped down to what felt like I had no other choice that I truly started relying on Him. Let me tell ya, I started taking life less seriously in the sense that if something didn’t or doesn’t go my way, I thank God instead because clearly that wasn’t intended for me. It allows me to process my feelings in a positive light. He has spared me from many things, and I have realized His ways are truly better. We may not always understand what He is doing, but later it always gets revealed ( John 13:7). He is the cornerstone, and He can give us more than we can imagine if we let Him. 

Have you allowed Him to be your cornerstone?

Julianna Nett loves iced coffee, tacos, and Jesus. She has been working in the Catholic non-profit world for the past 5 years & has most recently had the pleasure of working in the events field for a Catholic non-profit. She is proud of her Wisconsin heritage and will never miss an opportunity to cheer for the Green Bay Packers. You can catch her on Instagram!


Pray with today’s psalm.


5th Sunday of Easter


3rd Sunday of Easter