4th Sunday of Easter

R. We are his people, the sheep of his flock.

Written by Mary Thompson

“God is good - all the time!  All the time – God is good!” This familiar phrase is used in a lot of churches – especially with the youth. Kind of a “praise cry” if you will, and it’s definitely used at our church.  One of our priests, Fr. Truong Son, loves to use it with the school kids at their weekly mass. He adds to it the phrase “And you know it?” And the kids loudly answer back, “And we know it!”  They DO know it – and we do too!

Even though we know deep down that God is indeed very good, we often get caught up in the struggles and issues that face us every day of our lives, and we can lose sight of the goodness of God and of his guiding hand.  Psalm 100 reminds us that God is good, He is faithful, His kindness and faithfulness are always there to strengthen and assure us!  Thank you dear Father in heaven!

When we bring ourselves to mass every Sunday, we join together with friends and neighbors who may have also struggled with one thing or another through the week - and we know we’re not alone.  We’re reminded by the prayers of the mass, the scripture readings of the mass, the message from one of God’s anointed servants – that we can “sing joyfully to the Lord who made us”, and who saves us, and who protects us as a loving shepherd protects his flock at all costs. We can have Christ living within us as we receive the Holy Eucharist. Nothing can separate us from the Lord’s love and care!

Sometimes when I read a passage from the Bible, or when I sing through a psalm, I focus on a particular line or phrase that “hits” me at that particular moment.  And sometimes, the whole passage or psalm just fills my heart!  That’s the way Psalm 100 is, for me.  Because I know that “the Lord is God”, and that God made me, and is good and faithful – I know that He is my shepherd and I am his sheep.

A lot of people aren’t comfortable being called the “sheep” of the Lord.  Sheep can get a bad rap of being animals that are simple-minded and can’t think for themselves.  They blindly follow the shepherd who leads them where they should go.  But really, I think that it’s exactly the opposite – sheep don’t just follow anybody.  They follow the shepherd who has devoted himself to their well-being.  They follow the shepherd who feeds them, and always looks out for them.

Do we believe God is that shepherd in our lives?  Do we let God lead us on the way that’s right for us?  Can we be the psalmist singing joyfully to the God who made us, and serve the Lord with gladness in everything we do?

If we can, we can confidently say “We are God’s people – the sheep of his flock”.


Mary Thompson is the Music Director at St. Laurence Catholic Church in Sugar Land, TX, and has been involved in Music Ministry for over 40 years.  As a cantor, psalmist, conductor, and retreat leader, she feels blessed and so lucky to be able to help lead people closer to Christ’s love and grace.   Mary holds a Bachelor of Music Education from the University of Georgia, and you can find some of her original music on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube or wherever music is streamed. She loves spending time with her husband, 3 kids and 2 adorable grand-daughters. 


Pray with today’s psalm.


5th Sunday of Easter


3rd Sunday of Easter