6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

R. I turn to you, Lord, in time of trouble, and you fill me with the joy of salvation.

Written by Chenele Shaw

Lord, in times of trouble, I turn to You. Fill my heart with the joy of salvation, that in seeking Your guidance, I may find strength and peace.


In the midst of life's chaos, we often encounter challenges that make us feel lost. This Sunday's reading speaks directly to this experience: "I turn to you, Lord, in time of trouble, and you fill me with the joy of salvation."

These words hold a profound truth that many of us can relate to, regardless of age or background. It's like a comforting reminder to look to God when things get tough.

Thinking about this, it brings me back to a time when everything felt like it was falling apart. I faced a series of challenges that left me overwhelmed. During those tough times, I turned to prayer not as a last resort, but as a sincere reaching out for guidance and strength. It wasn't an instant fix; life doesn't work that way. However, gradually, I began to feel a shift within me. The heaviness started to lift, replaced by a quiet reassurance—a joy of salvation, you could say.

This personal journey taught me a valuable lesson: there's a humility in recognizing that we can't always navigate life's storms alone. Turning to God is an acknowledgment that our strength is limited, but there's an infinite wellspring of support available to us.

The joy of salvation mentioned in the reading isn't some distant concept. It's a tangible experience that unfolds when we open ourselves to the possibility of receiving help from God. In my case, it was a shift in perspective, a newfound strength born from a source I hadn't fully tapped into before.

So, the lesson here is not just about seeking solace in times of trouble but embracing the idea that vulnerability can lead to strength. It's a reminder that there's beauty in acknowledging our limitations and allowing God to work within and through us.

As we navigate life's complexities, let's not forget that turning to God isn't a sign of weakness. Instead, it's an acknowledgment of our shared humanity, a recognition that we're all in this together, facing challenges with the hope that, in our moments of trouble, we can indeed be filled with the joy of salvation.

As you ponder the challenges in your own life, consider this: How might turning to God, especially in tough times, bring a genuine sense of joy and strength to your journey?

Chenele Shaw is a former youth minister and theology teacher and a current young adult trying to live her life for Christ, frequent her therapist, and eat all the cheese! She serves as the cofounder of the Before Gethsemane Initiative. She desires to be her authentic self and help others to as well. You can find her watching reality tv, going to confession, and updating her Spotify playlists. Follow her on Instagram and say hey!


Pray with today’s psalm.


Ash Wednesday


5th Sunday in Ordinary Time