6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

R. Blessed are they who hope in the Lord.

Written by Abraham Salas

This is a psalm that I have looked over a lot in the past. I would hear “Blessed are they who hope in the Lord” during Mass and think, “well yeah… duh, of course those who hope in the Lord would be blessed.” But as I sit and think about it, I am realizing that I am missing the whole point of this psalm.

There are so many things that we can put our hope in these days - money, our “influence” on social media, addictions, and even other people. Personally, I can tell if I am putting my hope in something (or someone) other than God through my actions. For example, if my first inclination in the morning is to grab my phone and start looking at Instagram, versus getting up and saying a short little prayer before I start my day. This is just one example of course, but I’m sure that you get the idea.

It seems like that the Church is trying to get us to reflect on a specific question this Sunday: “Does God truly sit on the throne of your heart?”

If we truly reflect and find that God is not sitting on that throne, we should ask ourselves what (or who) is there in His place, and figure out what we can do to truly put God on that throne of our hearts. I invite you to reflect on this question this Sunday- is God sitting on the throne of your heart?

Abraham is a coffee-loving singer-songwriter and NOVUM RECORDS artist. You can find his music on Spotify, Apple Music, and/or wherever you stream your music. To keep up with Abraham, follow him on Instagram.


Pray with today’s psalm.


7th Sunday in Ordinary Time


5th Sunday in Ordinary Time