Holy Family

R. Blessed are those who fear the Lord and walk in his ways.

Written by Jenna Scott

On this feast of the Holy Family we proclaim from Psalm 128, “Blessed are those who fear the Lord and walk in his ways.” How fitting that we repeat this phrase as we remember the ways Mary and Joseph were faithful to the Lord and His will for their lives. Though their lives were filled with upendings time and time again, we see each member of the Holy Family walk with faith and follow the path our Father in Heaven laid out for them.

As Mary was given notice of God’s will for her to give birth to Jesus, she gave her fiat. As Joseph was given wisdom in dreams to take Mary as his wife, move his family in haste to Egypt, and eventually move his family back to Israel, he obeyed immediately. Throughout Jesus’ life here on earth, even to the point of pleading in the Garden of Gethsemone for a different path, Jesus faithfully followed His Father’s will for Him all the way to death.

We all experience surprises in life that upend our plans and change the direction we have set out to go, whether they be big or small. From illnesses that affect our own lives or that of a loved one, sudden job loss, or all the way down to minor car trouble and annoying interruptions to daily tasks.

In these difficulties, it can be tempting to dwell in a stage of self-pity, regret, rebellion, or doubt. We can get stuck in a state of analyzing why something is happening, what in our past has led to this moment, or how our psyche is processing this change. It is, of course, prudent to use our intellect to try to understand what is happening and what we should do about it, but as Christians we should try as quickly as possible to follow the example of the Holy Family. In faith, we must follow the Lord’s will in each step of our lives both big and small.

How is God calling you to follow His call for you today? Is He calling you to act in kindness towards a person that annoys you? Is He calling you to trust Him with your fears and to walk in confidence of His providence for you? Is He calling you to walk away from something that is drawing you away from His perfect will for your life?

In prayer today, take a moment to praise God for your current state in life, including the interruptions to your own plan. Ask Him for the first step you can take today to walk in His will. Ask the Blessed Mother and St. Joseph to pray for you and guide you, and ask for mercy from Jesus for where you fail.

God has nothing but your good in mind. He wants more for you than this life can ever offer you. He wants you in Heaven. Walk with Him with that goal in mind.

Jenna Scott is a wife and mother of 6. She spends most of her time homeschooling her oldest 4 kids while the toddler and baby do their best to sabotage. She tries her best to be a grateful servant of God and to glorify Him in all she does.


Pray with today’s psalm.


Mary, Mother of God


Christmas Day