Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph

R. Blessed are those who fear the Lord and walk in his ways.

Written by Jasmyn Joubert

As the year draws to a close and we stand at the start of a new beginning, the words of Psalm 128 resonate with profound wisdom. The psalm opens with a declaration: "Blessed are those who fear the Lord and walk in his ways." This declaration sets the tone for how we want to live our lives and is so relevant as we begin a new year!

Now, I know there is some controversy over the word fear. We hear in Scripture to “be not afraid” and “He delivered me from my fears” but today we hear that those who fear the Lord are blessed. When we talk about fear of the Lord, it is not to cower in fright before an all powerful God but to approach the Divine with awe, reverence, and a deep sense of respect. The psalm is not trying to tell us that living a life full of fear and anxiety is the path to blessings. It is trying to remind us that when we are in awe of the Lord and see that the way Jesus lived His life should be our model then we will walk in His ways and thus live a life that is truly blessed.

If you’ve been to a couple Catholic weddings, the odds are you’ve heard this psalm at one of them. The imagery of a wife as a fruitful vine, flourishing within the walls of one's home, and your children like an olive plant, encapsulates the prosperity and abundance that accompany a life aligned with God's principles. I used to think this psalm was a little strange when I’d hear it. Now, as my husband and I are having children and striving to grow as a holy family these words hit home. The more we walk in holiness the more clearly I see this life we have been given as such an awe inspiring gift. And what a day for the Church to reflect on the absolute gift of family - on this Feast of the Holy Family.

The phrase "Blessed are those who fear the Lord and walk in his ways" becomes a mantra for the coming year, a guiding principle that shapes our resolutions and aspirations. It invites us to ponder the nature of our journey— not just the destination. Walking in the ways of the Lord is an active commitment to align our lives with principles of love, justice, and compassion. We are given a blueprint on how to do this when we look at the lives of the Holy Family. The psalm encourages us to consider the impact of our actions not only on our individual lives but on the community and world around us.

As we countdown to the midnight hour of December 31st, let the words of Psalm 128 echo in our hearts. Let them be a source of inspiration and guidance as we step into the uncharted territory of a new year.

How will you walk in the way of the Lord this year?

Jasmyn Joubert is a school counselor by trade and a wife and mom of two daughters by vocation. She has a passion for public speaking, specifically on the intersection of faith and mental health. Most recently, Jasmyn was named President of Alive in You Outreach, a non-profit that focuses on creating servant hearts among the teens in our Church. She is also honored to be the Co-Host of Anti-Depressing the podcast. Follow Jasmyn on Instagram.


Pray with today’s psalm.


Mary, Mother of God


Christmas Day