Holy Family

R. Blessed are those who fear the Lord and walk in his ways.

Written by Matthew Blake

Well, I’m probably the last person who should be writing this reflection. It’s been a challenging couple of months of caring for little ones, working from home, doing both of those at the same time, and attempting to help my wife manage her most difficult first trimester in four go-rounds.

My sleep, prayer life, work, and pretty much everything has been disrupted by my “young olive plants” (see Psalm 128:3). I’ve noticed in this time that when my frustration or anger is stirred up within me that I have lacked respect and fear of God. The natural and easy next step has been to not walk in his ways. And so, I haven’t.

But, here’s what else I’ve noticed in the past couple of months:

When I have allowed the Lord into my struggles, when I have loved God, and when I have humbled myself in the Sacrament of Confession, He has lifted me up. When I have respect and fear for the Lord, the fruit of this has been a natural orientation to walk in his ways.

Bottom line, one begets the other. Do not fear the Lord, and do not walk in his ways. Fear the Lord, and walk in his ways.

Happy feast of the Holy Family!

Matthew Blake is a financial advisor with Merrill Lynch, and lives in St. Paul, MN with his wife Grace and their three boys.


Pray with today’s psalm.


Mary, Mother of God


Christmas (Day)