Palm Sunday

R. My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?

Written by Jasmyn Joubert

Palm Sunday has always been one of my favorite Masses of the year. As a child I think the reasoning was the procession before Mass and the fact that the palm in my hand could be used to annoy my siblings. As I’ve grown up this continues to be one of my favorite Masses, but the reason began to shift. What I love most about this Mass now is the display of Jesus’ humanity and the way that it makes me feel so validated.

When we go through tragedy in life people often tell us “everything happens for a reason” and “God has a plan”. Sometimes we feel like if we just knew God’s plan it wouldn’t hurt so bad, as if that would take away our suffering. Then, we are met with the words of Jesus in today’s psalm, “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?”. Jesus knew the plan, He was the plan and he still felt the weight of suffering, He still felt abandoned. You are not any less of a believer, any less of a Catholic when you feel abandoned by God in the midst of your suffering. You are in the best company of all, suffering alongside Christ. 

Of course, in hindsight we can often reflect back and see the hand of God even in the lowest of our lows. We know that God did not abandon His son on the cross and He will not abandon you. This is the journey of our faith. That we can suffer and admit when we don’t feel the presence of God, but that we will continue to search. We will continue to reflect back and see His presence. That we will search for His presence in the Eucharist, in the help of a friend, in the love of those around us.

As we enter Holy Week I invite you to reflect on your Lenten journey. Where did you see God in the desert? 

Jasmyn Joubert is a school counselor by trade and a wife and mom of two daughters by vocation. She has a passion for public speaking, specifically on the intersection of faith and mental health. Most recently, Jasmyn was named President of Alive in You Outreach, a non-profit that focuses on creating servant hearts among the teens in our Church. She is also honored to be the Co-Host of Anti-Depressing the podcast. Follow Jasmyn on Instagram.


Pray with today’s psalm.


Holy Thursday


5th Sunday of Lent