14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

R. Our eyes are fixed on the Lord, pleading for his mercy.

Written by Julianna Nett

Have you ever gotten off track and you know how to make things better but you know it will take a lot of work, or just maybe you don’t want to give up the things he is asking you to? I’ve been there too. Let’s take it one step further, let's say you went ahead and purged those things from your life that He asked you to but you didn’t necessarily want to. You then find yourself in this weird, in between state of things not quite being “better” yet, but trusting Him. 

You may find yourself really feeling guilty or lost for not listening, but you are on your way up. He wants to lift us up. Ask for his mercy, ask for his grace because I assure you he wants to give it to you. Have you ever been in a situation where you know you messed up and you expect to get yelled at but instead you are offered mercy and incredible generosity? It has happened to me a few times, and it is an interesting phenomenon for me. This is what the Lord wants to give you too. You just have to ask for it. What he wants to give us is always so much greater than we can ever imagine. You may be hungry for a filet-o-fish from McDonalds but he wants to give you a crawfish boil. The 2 are just incomparable. His plan is best. In order to be receptive to his mercy, we need to be one with him. This means confessing our sins, receiving the Eucharist, etc. 

Have you pleaded for this mercy lately?

Julianna Nett loves iced coffee, tacos, and Jesus. She has been working in the Catholic non-profit world for the past 5 years & has most recently had the pleasure of working in the events field for a Catholic non-profit. She is proud of her Wisconsin heritage and will never miss an opportunity to cheer for the Green Bay Packers. You can catch her on Instagram!


Pray with today’s psalm.


15th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time