15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

R. Lord, let us see your kindness, and grant us your salvation.

Written by Francis Cabildo

I was 17 years old when I first truly experienced God’s mercy and forgiveness. I was on a week-long retreat that I reluctantly attended. I remember going to confession and truly asking, pleading for God to forgive me of my sins. I felt as if a heavy weight was lifted off of me. I was full of joy and my soul felt free.

Our Psalm today helps us to recall how God has forgiven us of our past sins and restored us to wholeness. And, like Israel in the Old Testament who repeatedly sinned against God, we also, in our weakness and selfishness, sin against God today.

We plead for God to remember the kindness he has shown us in the past and we wait in hope that He will be kind again and again. Not that we demand that He forgive us but we stand firm in faith that in Jesus, the Father’s love and mercy is given to us time and time again, so long as we continue to turn back to Him and repent of our sin. Indeed, the Lord is kind. And He will grant us salvation by the merits of Christ’s cross and resurrection.

Francis Cabildo is the director of worship at Our Savior Parish and USC Caruso Catholic Center. Francis has served as a parish youth minister, music minister, and high school campus minister.  You can find his music on iTunes, Spotify, the Hallow App, etc.  He and his wife Nicole are raising five amazing boys! AMDG! Check out Francis on instagram!


Pray with today’s psalm.


16th Sunday in Ordinary Time


14th Sunday in Ordinary Time