19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

R. Blessed the people the Lord has chosen to be his own.

Written by Ashley Dean Coppola

What does it mean to “belong” to someone? We didn’t get to choose our parents, and our parents didn’t get to choose us knowing all of who we are and will become. I guarantee if my parents were given the choice on paper, they would have likely chosen the daughter who had music as a side interest, not a career choice.

But Praise be to God, we were chosen to be His own. While fully knowing your weaknesses; knowing your sins; knowing the brokenness you might cause or add to his family, The Lord called you to be His—He chose you to be His child. He chose to adopt you and to offer you the inheritance of the God of the Universe.

He chose us, but he also gave us a choice. Do you want to be His?

If you stumbled on this reflection, I think it is safe to assume you have made that choice before. But today, instead of seeking how to be a better child, or how to be more “deserving” of his inheritance, just stop. Stop your restless seeking and just be found by him. Rest in the joy that comes with knowing someone wants you; that someone will continue to say, “I love you.”

The God of the Universe has abled you to see sunny days, to eat your favorite foods, to look at cute baby animal memes… all of these things and so much more! So exult! Let us praise Him who has saves us from death, and who will get you through whatever challenges you encounter.

How can you let yourself be loved by God today? How is he calling you to put your hope in him?

Ashley Dean Coppola is a worship leader based in San Antonio, TX. You can find out more about her and her music on her website, follow her on Instagram, and check out her latest single on Spotify!


Pray with today’s psalm.


20th Sunday in Ordinary Time


18th Sunday in Ordinary Time