2nd Sunday of Advent

R. Justice shall flourish in his time, and fullness of peace for ever.

Written by Ali Hoffman

My therapist once told me that if the tempter can’t make someone seriously sin, then he can twist little truths in subtle ways until they’re lies. For me, I care deeply about the salvation of my loved ones. I want all of my close friends and family to experience the beauty and freedom that a relationship with Jesus offers. I want this so badly, which is a good truth, yet, the tempter twists this to get me to think that their salvation is dependent on me; that somehow, it’s all on my shoulders to get them to Heaven, which is a lie. How I combat this is constantly giving over to Jesus my desires and letting go of the situations I cannot control. I pray fervently, but I’m also learning to trust deeply that the Lord not only hears the cries of my heart, but plans on doing something about them.

Today’s Psalm gives me great hope and answers the question: “will God do anything about this situation I care so much about?” There are so many promises from the Lord that prove His strength, power, and Lordship and that He can be trusted to do what He says He will do. He is unwavering. It’s a very direct promise that the King SHALL rescue the poor when he cries out. The King SHALL have pity for the lowly and the poor. Justice SHALL flower in His days. There WILL be a profound peace. As we head into the second week of Advent, whatever burdens, stresses, or temptations you are facing right now, ask the Lord for the grace to truly believe that He will allow justice to flourish in His time and that there will be fullness of peace for ever. Lean into this promise.

My prayer for myself and for you is to have greater faith and deeper trust and Advent is such a gentle, beautiful way to invite us into the lived reality of this prayer.

May His name be blessed forever; as long as the sun his name shall remain.

What areas of your life this week can you give over to God?

Ali Hoffman loves Jesus, her family, donuts, Chipotle, and dancing. She is obsessed with preaching the Gospel, and wants you to know how loved you are. You can find more of her hand lettering work over on Instagram.


Pray with today’s psalm.


Immaculate Conception


1st Sunday of Advent