Immaculate Conception

R. Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous deeds.

Written by Nicole Richards

One of my favorite things about the psalms is underlining each time the psalms mention anything about how to praise the Lord. “Sing praise.” “Sing a new song.” “Sing joyfully to the LORD.” “Break into song. Sing praise.”

I love that this psalm falls on the Immaculate Conception. The Feast of the Immaculate Conception celebrates the conception of Mother Mary. Being born without original sin, we celebrate Mary’s creation. What a marvelous deed, indeed! God, perfect in every way, already thinking about the salvation of the world while creating Mary. Everything about this inspires songs of praise!

How do we sing a new song to the Lord? Easy! Proclaiming good news, the good news of Jesus. Every day we open our eyes to a new day. Every day the Lord brings new blessings. Every day there is something to be thankful for. Every day there is a marvelous deed as God walks with us in our daily life.

We can begin to sing a new song simply by being a witness and proclaim what the Lord has done in your life. The Lord has plans for your life that are beyond anything you can imagine. Keep your eyes open and begin to share His workings in your life. Share with the people you encounter daily and don’t hold back the goodness of the Lord. The Lord desires all the new songs we can sing to him daily.

What is the new song I will sing to the Lord today?

Nicole Richards loves fall leaves, otters and being surrounded with friends. When she’s not finding the best iced chai lattes in town, she works at St. Ann’s in Coppell, TX as a social media manager. Nicole is a Catholic worship leader and is excited to release her first worship album in 2023. You can worship with her and follow on Instagram.


Pray with today’s psalm.


3rd Sunday of Advent


2nd Sunday of Advent