2nd Sunday of Lent

R. The Lord is my light and my salvation.

Written by Amber Gonzalez

What do you seek? What does your heart desire? Do you believe that God hears you and will come through for you?

As we continue to journey through Lent, this psalm gives us a chance to pause and to ponder these questions of the heart. The psalmist proclaims that God is their light and salvation–and yet they call out, pleading for God to hear them, to answer them, and to have pity. The same heart that is secure in God continually seeks God. And even when faced with a cause for fear, they are not without hope.

Can we place our trust in the Lord when we are confident that in that trust lies our life’s refuge? A harder question to ponder: can we do the same when God feels far off and we are moved to pray “Do not hide your face from me”? This is the place that I have found myself many times, and I’m sure most of us have. God calls us to persevere to increase our faith. The psalmist encourages us to be courageous in doing so.

Waiting can seem like a pointless endeavor, but this is our very life and we do not labor in vain in the work of waiting for the Lord.

Amber currently lives in North Texas with Pearl, her Aussie. She is a Project Manager, but soon you can find her somewhere on a bike as a trip leader for Backroads. Wherever she is, you’ll likely find her sipping espresso or eating pizza.


Pray with today’s psalms.


3rd Sunday of Lent


1st Sunday of Lent