1st Sunday of Lent

R. Be with me, Lord, when I am in trouble.

Written by Carly O’Bryan

As a young woman who never really grew up in the Catholic faith, and who is still learning more and more about our wonderful God every single day, I cannot even express to you how I thrilled I was when I read the psalm for this First Sunday of Lent. The text of this psalm is used in one of the very first Catholic songs I ever heard - that being the oldie but goodie, “On Eagles Wings” by Michael Joncas. I remember the few times I went to mass as a kid and hearing this song and thinking it was the coolest thing ever because the song had a pretty catchy tune and the words were so powerful, but as a kid your lens on life is rose colored and, often, we couldn’t even comprehend all the crazy things that were going on in the world around us or even think about needing a mighty savior or rock to cling to in distress. The only thing distressing as a kid was when mom made fish sticks for dinner.

Now fast forward, I’m in my early 20’s, and I am reading those same words and fully understanding what they mean and how important it is to have faith. In times of fear, uncertainty, isolation, illness and war, it can be very challenging to have hope. In these words, from this psalm, I find peace. They remind me that through all adversity and trials, God is with me and he even sends his angels - “For to his angels he’s given a command about you, that they will guard you in all your ways.”

In this chaotic and broken world we live in, what we need more than anything is hope. Also, as we enter lent, we must remember that it is a time for reflection and fasting, but it is also so much more. We are preparing for our God to do the most sacrificial act of love one can do for another - that is to die so that we can live. I encourage you to remember that even though times can be scary, and the future is unknown, that we have a God that is powerful, loving, and caring.

So, cling to him the rock our fortress that cannot be shaken. “Because he clings to me, I will deliver him; he shall call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in distress.” We are never alone and are surrounded by an army of angels with a commander that is above all.

With this knowledge, where in your life do you need to invite God to be near you, and let him in the places of your heart that might seem too difficult to face alone?

Carley O’Bryan is a college student from Minnesota who came to the faith at age 17. She took a gap year after high school to serve the church with NET Ministries Australia, and then moved across the pond to do evangelization at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in London, England. She then worked full time a youth minister and professional musician back in Minnesota, until finally deciding to go to college in beautiful Colorado. She has a heart for working with youth, and desires for everyone she meets to know that they are beloved and valuable. Follow Carley on her Instagram.


Pray with today’s psalm.


2nd Sunday of Lent


Ash Wednesday