Ash Wednesday

R. Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned.

Written by Jake Blair

How many times can I run from You, Lord?

How many times can I put my faith in something other than You, just to see my castle of sand I have built crumble into dust?

How many times will I be the one to deny You, or forget to lift You high when the praise belongs to You?

At what point will You give up on me, Lord?

Never. Responds The Lord

The Lord’s mercy has been heavy on my heart in these recent months - reminding me to look up and remember my Father that sees me amidst my questioning and personal battles.

It has reminded me to look deeper into those that I encounter at my college campus, seeing into the hearts and minds of those longing, desperate to feel the fullness of their cups amidst suffering. Many of those turning to methods of temporary satisfaction and the instant gratification that life in our time can provide.

It has been painful to be awakened to the reality that sin has become in the world, and the chasm that it attempts to form between us and a healthy relationship with the Lord.

But it has been my sin that has reminded me of how much I need the Lord. And in turn, it is His mercy alone that has led me to repent every single time.

As the psalmist says,

Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned.

A clean heart create for me, O God,

and a steadfast spirit renew within me.


Ask yourself, how can I honor The Lord this Lenten season?

Jake Blair is a singer-songwriter from Atlanta, GA and a NOVUM RECORDS artist. He is a senior business student at the University of Georgia. He has served as a music minister for multiple parishes, student ministries, as well as serving as a ministry lead at the Catholic Center at UGA. Follow Jake on his Instagram.


Pray with today’s psalm.


1st Sunday of Lent


8th Sunday in Ordinary Time