3rd Sunday of Easter

R. Lord, you will show us the path to life.

Written by Christian Cambre

This psalm is a prayer as well as a statement. It is both scary and freeing at the same time. The predisposition one must have when praying these words is humility. Humility is self-knowledge. First we must realize we do not know the path to life, then ask God to show us. God takes us where He wants, which is usually not where we want. Even though we know God knows best, we can’t help but lose trust and think we just might know better.

The Psalm also instills confidence in God’s providence. The phrase, “fake it til you make it” can be very powerful when it comes to the spiritual life. We should not seek to fake holiness but as fallen creatures we do not know how to even begin to be holy. We must imitate the actions of Christ and pray that the Holy Spirit transforms us. If we define belief as, acting as if something is true, we will start to realize we don’t believe as much as we think. We believe gravity will continue to work as it does and therefore continue to walk on the ground, throw things to someone, or put keys on the counter with confidence they won’t start floating up. Belief in God is the same. We can say we believe God will show us the path to eternal life but if we don’t act it out we are lying to ourselves. The Lord will indeed show us the path to life but He will not make you walk it.

What is one area of your life you say you believe in God but do not act as if it is true?

Christian Cambre a college student studying music production at the University of Louisiana Lafayette. He enjoys making music, playing piano, having deep conversations with people, and just doing nothing. He grew up Catholic and has seen God work in his life and is constantly trying to get closer, but keeps getting in the way of himself. Thank God, He is patient. Follow Christian on Instagram.


Pray with today’s psalm.


4th Sunday of Easter


Divine Mercy Sunday