Divine Mercy Sunday

R. Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, his love is everlasting.

Written by Jasmyn Joubert

Happy Easter and Happy Divine Mercy Sunday! What an absolute gift it is to be in the midst of this joyful season and a big cheers to 8 days of justifying eating candy everyday by saying I’m just fully embracing Easter. The end of Lent and the beginning of Easter carries many emotions and there is a possibility you might have some post-Lent guilt. You might ask yourself, did I do enough this Lent? Did I sacrifice enough to feast the way I am? Did I accomplish lasting change?

In the wisdom of the Church, Divine Mercy comes. We are assured that “His mercy endures forever”. Did you forget about the pray 40 challenge halfway through Lent? His mercy endures. Did you accidentally eat a whole rotisserie chicken on a Friday in Lent? His mercy endures forever. Are you so deep in the chaos of raising young children you can’t remember your Lenten promises? His mercy endures forever. Are you just bringing yourself to Mass and giving what you have left? His mercy endures forever.

The psalm for today says “I was hard pressed and was falling, but the Lord helped me. My strength and my courage is the Lord, and He has been my savior”. So yes, maybe Lent was hard. Maybe you feel like you failed. The absolute joy of today is that even in the struggle, in the failure the Lord has always been your Savior. He has been there with you in the lowest moments and is ready to rise alongside you with the gift of each morning. His love is truly everlasting and you are worthy of that love. So today, give thanks. For He is good and He believes that you are good.

Jasmyn Joubert is a school counselor by trade and a mom of two daughters by vocation. She has a passion for public speaking, specifically on the intersection of faith and mental health. Most recently, Jasmyn was named President of Alive in You Outreach, a non-profit that focuses on creating servant hearts among the teens in our Church. Follow Jasmyn on Instagram.


Pray with today’s psalm.


3rd Sunday of Easter


Easter Sunday