4th Sunday of Lent

R. Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.

Written by Will Hickl

In reflecting on this psalm, I was struck in particular by the line “I sought the LORD, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears." This begs the question - have I sought the Lord?

To seek the Lord takes effort, discipline, and courage. In this time of Lent, it is sometimes easy to justify breaking the fast because maybe I am tired, or had a long day, or am stressed, or experiencing some hardship. But, when we truly seek the Lord, when we remember why we’re fasting and make it about Jesus instead of ourselves, this is where true transformation occurs.

We generally stray from the Lord when fear is present - fear of discomfort, fear of humiliation, fear of loneliness, fear of failure, fear of rejection.

There was a season after a relationship ended where I committed to prayer, exercise, and fasting, that I was given the grace to surrender my desires for companionship and that ache I was experiencing, and through that painful refinement of taking my desires to Jesus, I genuinely experienced a closeness to God the Father that I hadn’t before. My fear of being lonely dispelled as I found comfort in God’s love for me. So I can honestly say from first-hand experience, when I sought the Lord, he really did deliver me from my fears.

What fears are you experiencing that God has yet to deliver you from? What will you commit to do in order to grow in your relationship with Jesus?

Will Hickl is the co-founder and President of NOVUM RECORDS, producer, worship leader, software designer, one half of the alt-rock duo NOVUM, and husband and father based out of Lewisville, TX. He is extremely passionate about seeing artists thrive, and desires to build good culture through art. You can find him on Instagram, learn things on his blog, and follow him on Spotify for new music coming in 2022!


Pray with today’s psalms.


5th Sunday of Lent


Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord