4th Sunday in Ordinary Time

R. I will sing of your salvation.

Written by Winston Cadenas

What a beautiful thing to sing about. One of my favorite things about psalms is that they are so straightforward. They don’t try and beat around the bush of God’s love. How could we not rejoice and sing of the Lord’s salvation?

What I love about this psalm is the total surrender to God it calls for. It says that since we were little we were dependent on God and we should remain in such a way.

For you are my hope, O Lord;
my trust, O God, from my youth.
On you I depend from birth;
            from my mother’s womb you are my strength.

There is beauty in childlike faith - to recognize the love of Christ and to make Him the centerpiece of our lives as He was when we were young.

Where in your life today do you feel a tug to surrender it up to God? Where in your life do you feel you can return to the state of a child and allow God to be your strength? 

Winston Cadenas is currently a student at Texas A&M University. He leads praise and worship music at St. Mary’s, playing in the masses, as well as leading retreats for churches in the Houston, TX area. See what he is up to by following him on Instagram.


Pray with today’s psalm.


5th Sunday in Ordinary Time


3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time