Christmas (Midnight)

R. Today is born our Savior, Christ the Lord.

Written by Deacon Christopher Meyer

There is so much nostalgia around Christmas. So many smells, tastes, and feelings that bring back memories of previous Christmases. On Christmas day, we announce the coming of Jesus Christ into the world. But looking back to previous Christmases does not go back far enough.

Today, we celebrate a world that changed completely. The one who the prophets foretold has finally come. The world desperately awaited the birth of the Messiah. But how often do you and I live in this world completely changed, this prophecy perfectly fulfilled, and take it for granted? How often do we take our Savior for granted? Perhaps we can reflect on the areas of our life that so desperately long for this Savior, for his grace and mercy.

What areas in my life have long awaited the coming of Jesus?

Dcn. Christopher Meyer is a transitional deacon in his final year of seminary formation to be a priest for the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. Constantly disappointed by his various sports fandoms, he fully realizes that only Jesus Christ truly satisfies. You can follow Dcn. Christopher on Instagram and Twitter.


Pray with today’s psalm.


Christmas (Dawn)


Christmas (Vigil)