Christmas (Vigil)

R. For ever I will sing the goodness of the Lord.

Written by JJ Hussem

This disposition of the heart shows us an act of the will. I will sing the goodness of the Lord in the good, the joyful, the challenging and the painful seasons. What season do you find yourself in this Christmas? There is an invitation to all of us to welcome the Lord in the manger of our hearts.

We can be sure of this: God is here. The question then becomes: where am I? Am I practicing the presence of the Lord? It’s through constantly anew choosing to open my eyes to His presence, that I see His providence for me in my life, my story, my season and those around me. It’s a choice, a disposition, an invitation.

That today, you too may sing the goodness of the Lord, in the land of the living.


JJ Hussem resides in SW London, UK and is part of the Agency for Evangelisation & Catechesis, heads up the Loretto HOME Mission Base and drinks good coffee, loves tennis, and has fun with photography. His passion for leadership, a missionary church and radical hospitality all came together in October of 2020 - God is faithful. Follow JJ on Instagram.


Pray with today’s psalm.


Christmas (Midnight)


4th Sunday of Advent