Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

R. I will take the cup of salvation, and call on the name of the Lord.

Written by Peter Casey

My wife of nearly nine years has led me into deeper faith in Christ, and she has also converted me into a big fan of the band NEEDTOBREATHE. Each time we’ve seen them live, I eagerly hope they play one of their earlier songs called Garden:

Won't you take this cup from me
Cause fear has stolen all my sleep
If tomorrow means my death
Pray you'll save their souls with it

Let the songs I sing bring joy to you
Let the words I say confess my love
Let the notes I choose be your favorite tune
Father let my heart be after you

Every time I hear it, I can easily imagine Christ himself singing the lyrics. I feel a kind of heaviness in my heart, knowing my own sins put Him in the garden when Jesus prays “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me; yet, not as I will, but as you will” (Matthew 26:39). However, I’m reminded that in my own life, I can see the times when God has asked me to take the cup of salvation—however it may look in my current vocation or life circumstances. Often, I’ve simply refused to do so; instead, I’ve taken the easy way out and avoided challenges out of fear or laziness. Other times, I’ve attempted to take the cup of salvation and call upon my own name and strength. While I could go on like the Energizer Bunny and accomplish a large volume of tasks or handle hard situations, I was left empty and desolate.

Reading this psalm, I realized it is a both-and statement. In other words, I am to 1) take the cup of salvation and 2) call on the name of the Lord. I cannot do the first without also doing the second. The psalmist tells us that we should do both of these as a return to the Lord for all the good he has done for us. 

This Sunday, may we all strive to take the cup of salvation that Christ offers each of us, call upon His name, and not rely on our own understanding.

Peter Casey and his wife, Ginny, are expecting their sixth child and are settled in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex after sojourning through New Orleans, Houston, and College Station.


Pray with today’s psalm.


Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus


Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity