Easter Vigil

R. Lord, send out your spirit, and renew the face of the earth.

Written by Ross Busby

Psalm 104 is the first psalm in the great liturgy of the Church – the Easter Vigil. The readings we hear in this Mass tell the story of salvation history; it’s the story of the Lord who loves his people & pursues them through all of history.

Right before this psalm we hear the creation account of Genesis, and how everything He creates is “good” and “how it was in the beginning” before the fall of man. This psalm, as read in the Mass, seems to be a continuation of praising that goodness of creation but also a foreshadowing. On one hand, the stanzas of the psalm extol God’s beautiful and wonderful creation, all wrought in His wisdom. The world and everything in it is a beautiful gift. On the other hand, the responsorial foreshadows the cry of the Israelites after the Fall. The psalmist cries out “Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth.” This one line not only acknowledges that something went terribly awry after the Genesis account, but it also trustingly calls out to the One who can save us. We have turned from Him, but thanks be to God that is not the end of the story!

The readings of this beautiful liturgy culminate with the Gospel reading where the women find the empty tomb. “Why do you seek the living one among the dead? He is not here, but he has been raised.” He has been raised to renew all of creation. The Resurrection is the fulfilment of that cry. Praised be Jesus Christ!

Lord redeem your people who have turned from you. Teach us to open our whole selves – body & spirit – to Your grace, that we may be renewed.

Ross Busby serves as the Director of Programs for the Theology of the Body Institute in Quarryville, PA.


Pray with today’s psalm.


Easter Sunday


Good Friday