Easter Sunday

R. This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad.

Written by Adam Fuselier

Here we are, friends…today as we celebrate the Resurrection of Christ we are entering into the most pivotal moment in history. While Easter may not evoke for you the same warm nostalgia as Christmas, it is the central mystery of our faith. All other doctrines, teachings, and celebrations hinge upon the absolute reality that Christ is truly risen from the dead. What we celebrate on this day changes everything. I want to invite you to ask yourself this question today: Do I believe it?

Several years ago, a friend of mine who was wrestling with faith opened up to me. In her opening up to me she really challenged me. I remember her saying, “Adam, if this is all true, then this changes everything.” You see, my friend recognized the gravity of what faith in Christ demands. It requires something deep of us…it costs something. If you and I say yes to Christ to become his disciples, then where he goes, we must also go. This means entering into his Paschal Mystery…His life, death, and resurrection. Dying to the reality of sin in our own lives is often times a painful process, but what is on the other side of that death? Christ promises us more life than we could ever imagine. This is the reason for rejoicing today, as the Psalm encourages us.

I encourage us all to bring the places of unbelief in our hearts to the altar at Mass today. Let that be your offering today and throughout this Easter season. Let the reality of the living Christ make demands of you, let Him change your life, let Him give you everything in return, and let Him be the reason we rejoice and are glad today and every day.


Adam Fuselier is the Managing Director of a Catholic non-profit organization dedicated to Theology of the Body formation and outreach called Dumb Ox Ministries. He is also a regular contributing author to Clean Heart Online, an online resource dedicated to helping men and women cultivate the virtue of chastity. Adam lives in Covington, LA where he enjoys coffee, cocktails, and the great outdoors. Follow Adam on Instagram.


Pray with today’s psalm.


Divine Mercy Sunday


Easter Vigil