The Epiphany of the Lord

R. Lord, every nation on earth will adore you.

Written by Rebekah Hickl

Today is the feast of the Epiphany, the day we remember the wise men coming with gifts to pay homage to the New Born King. Much of scripture highlights how God calls all nations to himself but often in unexpected ways – in this season, three non-Jewish men recognize the gift being given and respond. There is a mystery in the way that God chooses to work, to reveal himself, and what He defines as victory. The psalm today talks about this victory that Lord has won, that all nations will serve and adore him.

Victory to the Lord, can look a lot like my version of defeat; yet time and time again, He calls me to look again. The gifts given by the kings speak to this in such a profound way – gifts for a king, and gifts for a burial. At the birth of this baby, there is a word of death. This new born King has much to teach us of strength and power and victory.

In this world where it can feel like defeat is happening all around, may we remember that He has already won the victory. As we begin to turn towards Ordinary Time, may we remember that in our ordinary and everyday moments we can adore the Lord.

How has God shown you His victory and faithfulness, even in the ordinary?

Rebekah Hickl is the Executive Administrator of Divine Renovation USA. She and her husband Will live in Lewisville, TX and are expecting their first child very soon - please keep them all in your prayers! You can see her awesome embroidery and artwork on her Instagram here.


Pray with today’s psalm.


The Baptism of the Lord


Mary, Mother of God