The Baptism of the Lord

R. The Lord will bless his people with peace.
or R. O bless the Lord, my soul.

Written by Eric Wilkes

Today we celebrate the Baptism of Our Lord. This event in scripture and in histrory always evokes a sense of amazement, not necessarily because of the physical act of baptism or even the miraculous event after. What strikes me is the extreme humility of Jesus Christ in this act. He’s God’s one and only Son chosen and sent to save the entire world, and here he is willingly going through the same process we’ve all been asked to go through. Leading by example.

In today's psalm, we see two realities caused by leaning into our baptismal promise, and following Jesus in not just this sacrament, but in his humble obedience to God’s will. We see that the fruit of becoming a child of God is peace. And we see that when we encounter the goodness of God we are moved to bless the Lord not merely from our lips, but from our very souls.

Today I encourage you to remember your baptism, and know that everyday that you choose to live it out lies a peace beyond understanding that comes from God alone. Let this peace well up within you and bring you to bless the Lord. Whether it's through song, through prayer, or by simply and humbly following God by working to become the best and fullest version of yourself. O bless the Lord My Soul!

What is one way that you can experience the peace of God this week?

Eric Wilkes is a New Orleans based artist, musician and producer serving churches, communities, and ministries on a national level. He has been an artist, writer, co-writer, instrumentalist, and producer for several projects through NOVUM RECORDS, and is a part of the indie rock duo NOVUM. When he’s not playing music, leading worship or doing ministry, he enjoys spending quality time with his wife, Cori, his family, and his close friends relaxing and enjoying good conversations. When Eric needs medicine for his soul he finds it in new places, sunny days, vibey shops, trips to the ocean, chai tea lattes, playing piano in empty churches and late night adoration chapel visits. You can follow him on Instagram here.


Pray with today’s psalms.


2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time


The Epiphany of the Lord