2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

R. Proclaim his marvelous deeds to all the nations.

Written by Nick Bernard

Today’s psalm response encourages us to “proclaim his marvelous deeds to all the nations.” Upon first hearing this refrain, I imagine heroic missionaries traveling across the world to convert entire populations. However, as the refrain repeats, my image changes. I am not responsible for visiting all nations–I am only responsible for encountering my neighbors. How might I proclaim God’s marvelous deeds to the people I encounter each day?

In a proclamation of God’s goodness, of course I might use my voice. I might witness to my neighbors the good that God has wrought in my life, whether big or small. I can tell stories about the actions of God and reflect on the ways God’s love has helped me to grow. 

However, when I reflect on those people who to me most clearly witness God’s marvelous deeds, I rarely think of stories I’ve heard. Instead, I think of people who live their entire lives in honor of the deep and transforming love of God. For these people, their proclamation comes day after day because it is woven into the very rhythm of their lives. Most often they need not say anything about God’s goodness, for their actions speak of a love that changes lives. 

The psalm calls me to “announce his salvation, day after day” and to “give the Lord the glory due his name!” This call doesn’t mean that I must go on a foreign mission; instead, it asks that I weave into my way of life a proclamation of the goodness of God. Whether or not I tell stories with my words, my life’s witness ought to speak of the ways in which God has loved me and made me whole.

As I pray today I can ask myself, does my way of life proclaim God’s marvelous deeds? How can I work to weave into my life’s own rhythm a proclamation of God’s goodness?

Nick Bernard lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma where he works as a campus minister, substitute teacher, and freelance photographer. His hobbies include experimenting in graphic design, cycling, rewatching Marvel movies, and talking with his cat, Miss Bee. You can see his art and keep up with him on Instagram here.


Pray with today’s psalm.


3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time


The Baptism of the Lord