Immaculate Conception

R. Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous deeds.

Written by Chris Donatto

Mary is that new song! After sin entered into the world through Adam and Eve, Mary, the New Eve, brought into the world the New Adam, Jesus. Jesus could have come into the world through any means. But through God’s wisdom he chose to enter through Mary.

The crescendo of human history, Jesus being born into the world, would not have happened without Mary’s “Yes”, without her fiat. “Let it be done to me according to your word.” And to this day Mary has one singular job which she began at the wedding at Cana. Her job is to simply point us to her son and tell us “Do whatever he tells you.”

In Advent there are three comings, events upon the horizon, invasions. We remember Jesus’ being born into the world. We look forward to his second coming. And we long for his coming into our hearts.

Secularly this time of year is filled with office parties, exams, children’s performances, traveling, ending the year and planning the next, etc. But as we journey through the penitential season of Advent, what do you need to do, what do you need to stop doing to be able to slow down enough to look down Mary’s finger as she points you to her son to allow him to enter into your heart?

Chris Donatto is husband to his best friend Erika and father to two wild daughters. He has been a missionary for Adore Ministries serving the underserved youth of Houston since 2016, and has been seeking and recruiting those who feel a call to serve as a domestic missionary since 2020. You can find out more about Adore Ministries and about becoming a missionary or summer intern here: Adore Ministries, Be A Missionary, Summer Internship. Follow Adore Ministries on Instagram. Read his latest article on Holy Ruckus at Stories Over Labels. Chris also loves to speak about the Catholic faith, especially about loving your neighbor (because he needs to be better at it). If you need a speaker you can inquire here - Chris Speaks. Follow Chris on Instagram here.


Pray with today’s psalm.


3rd Sunday of Advent


2nd Sunday of Advent