Most Holy Trinity

R. O Lord, our God, how wonderful your name in all the earth!

Written by Katie Fitzgerald

Do you ever think about how small we are? Truly, we are puny compared to the sum of God’s creation! Yet, He decided to make us in His image, dignify us, and give us dominion over the fish, the birds, and all the living things on earth. That’s pretty incredible! The psalmist really sums up the splendor of God’s generosity when he states, “When I behold your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars which you set in place—What is man that you should be mindful of him, or the son of man that you should care for him?” Who are we that He should be mindful of us, and how can we praise His wonderful Name in all the earth?

As we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, there are so many parts of the mystery of our triune God that we could reflect on. However, this psalm calls us to recognize the sheer goodness of God in His creation and to respond to His generosity in praise. Out of all the beauty He crafted, our Creator decided that the puny humans formed out of dust would enjoy His Kingdom on earth. If God had not breathed life into us, we would not even be here! How humbling and beautiful it is to know that our God, the Maker of the universe, decided that we were worthy of dignity and power. It has nothing to do with our capabilities or efforts; it is all because we have a God who is mindful of us and cares for us!

If you look around at what is happening in the world today, it can be really hard to believe the truth that He cares for us. It is even harder to recognize how wonderful His Name is in all the earth. There are so many areas of earth that, from our perspective, seem lost to God. But if we only focus on the bad things, we’re missing the point of our entire existence: to know and praise God. He desires a relationship with us—a response to His continued song of love in prayer—more than He desires for us to fix the world’s issues. Sure, once we know Him, we will be filled with a greater capacity to love and serve those around us. But if we do not know Him first, our efforts will continually fall short.

So as you continue on with this day, think about the ways in which our Creator has blessed you throughout your life. How has He specifically cared for you and been mindful of you? In what ways has He made Himself known to you through creation and how can you praise Him for His generosity? Lean into the love He offers you, and remember that He is mindful of you, He cares for you, and He uses all things for your good! Even if our world appears to be in shambles, His name will remain wonderful! He can redeem what He created—He is a generous, life-giving Father!

Katie Fitzgerald is a graphic designer settling into life in Dallas, Texas. She loves the psalms, sunflowers, Pensacola beaches, art museums, laughing, film photography, and big family dinners (with people who feel like family, even if they aren’t). You can catch her on Instagram, likely reposting prayers or words of encouragement from others.


Pray with today’s psalm.


Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

