Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

R. You are a priest for ever, in the line of Melchizedek.

Written by Danielle Noonan

During COVID, I went down quite a Netflix rabbit hole. It started with Downton Abbey, led to The Crown, and ended with almost every documentary on English royalty. Not my proudest moment, but I was so intrigued by the idea of royalty. Like most royals, The English royals have written and unwritten rules for living life to reflect honor and power. How to walk, sit, and eat, with every maneuver, including their marriages and families, is strategically calculated. Their lineage, governance, and inheritance are all protected from the ordinary people within society. I couldn’t help but see the stark difference in intentions when thinking about our King, Most High.

In Psalm 110 today, David shares God’s power and authority, prophesying the coming of The Lord who has come in power and might, ultimately reflecting the beautiful story of Abraham receiving the “first fruits” of bread and wine from the pagan king Melchizedek after an epic battle between royals. Although Melchizedek was a pagan king, he was “righteous” and blessed Abraham with a gift of bread and wine, which Abraham received and shared. This psalm itself is considered one of the essential Messianic psalms because it brings to light the truth of Christ our King, Victor, and Conquerer. It reveals our inheritance as heirs to our heavenly King, who gave His own body and blood that poured out for us, claiming victory over our sins and conquering death itself.

I may have spent one too many days watching Netflix documentaries on English royals, but I get every day, from here on out, to dwell on the truth of our real inheritance. We are sons and daughters of The Most High. We were bought with His blood, and we celebrate His victory over sin and death on this incredible day, The Solemnity of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ.

As He sits on his mighty throne today, how can you take the next step in fully receiving the truth that you are a child of God?

Danielle Noonan is a musician, worship leader and speaker who began leading music at the age of thirteen at her small church in East Texas. Her family was involved in many of the ministries within her church and encouraged her to use her talents in music to lead people closer to Christ. Since then, Danielle has done just that and brings people of all ages together using her music, testimony and storytelling, giving light to the importance of an authentic prayer life, being hopeful in all things and unity amongst people.


Pray with today’s psalm.


Most Sacred Heart


Most Holy Trinity