Most Sacred Heart

R. The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.

Written by Joe Lundin

The month of June is a special one for us as Catholics! We celebrate and meditate on the Sacred Heart of Jesus! If I could think of one image for God's mercy, I see the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is something so real to me - not just something symbolic. His Sacred Heart is the center of all the mercies that gush forth upon us as Jesus mentions to St. Faustina through His Divine Mercy.

For us, the heart is the place where we feel emotion, especially that emotion of Love. Therefore, the heart can be known as the center of our Life and Love. So when we think of Christ and his Sacred Heart we can think of the most amazing Love. The most unconditional, unquenchable and most inexhaustible self-giving love we could ever receive. Love is the intention for all Jesus wanted to do in his life. His mission culminated for the Incarnation, for his ministry, for his passion, and his death and resurrection.

Pope Pius XII says the cruel act of piercing was perpetuated on Jesus so that through the visible wound we may behold the invisible wound of love. Jesus through the years has appeared to many Saints talking about his Sacred Heart. There is a theme to these apparitions, but one theme in particular is to receive his Sacred Heart in the Most Holy Sacrament! What better way to receive his Sacred Heart than by receiving him body, blood, soul and divinity.

So, how do we as followers of Christ trust in his Most Blessed Sacred Heart? What can we do as believers to spread his love? Pray for the courage and strength to love like Jesus and emulate his most beautiful and life-giving Sacred Heart.

Originally from Massachusetts, Joe Lundin is on the leadership team of Ascension Music based in Providence, RI. He desires to lead people to Christ through worship, and his hope is that his prayerful witness to worship inspires those he leads into an encounter with Jesus! Joe loves his family, loves a good bowling tournament, and an occasional game of NHL ‘22.


Pray with today’s psalm.


13th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ